Notre offre > Formations > Improve your self esteem and confidence
2 days
anyone who is looking to recognise their strengths and bring them to life in both the workplace and personal life – growing both confidence and own presence
- Learn ten techniques to improve your confidence
- Choose which techniques work best for you and include their practice into your daily life
- Use the techniques in interactive exercises and discussions to see how they can benefit you most
- Develop your own personal action plan so you can keep building your confidence after the course and take more actions for your development
- Take a positive decision about how much you want to develop your confidence and how you want to do it
Mise à jour le 5 janvier 2024
This training will cover :
- Learning ten techniques for improving your confidence
- Understanding that confidence is about personal choice – and you control that
- Knowing what your blockers are that stand in the way of your being confident
- Why your confidence levels have some good days and some bad days
- Understanding why sometimes you choose to lack confidence
- What to do when you feel you are lacking confidence
- How to stand up for yourself and your beliefs
- How to fake confidence even when you don’t feel it
- How you can continue to develop your own levels of confidence through your personal action plan
- Understanding that everyone lacks confidence from time to time
- Supporting confidence through body language, tone, words and appearance
Tarif jour : à partir de 1700 €
Méthodes pédagogiques
Participants will be shown and be able to experiment with different tools and techniques that can easily be incorporated into their lives to gain the confidence they desire. They will learn about taking more chances and raising their own presence. Participants will work with the facilitator and each other, sharing experiences and learnings to enhance their knowledge and use of the tools.
Ces formations pourraient vous intéresser
2 days
anyone who is looking to recognise their strengths and bring them to life in both the workplace and personal life – growing both confidence and own presence
- Learn ten techniques to improve your confidence
- Choose which techniques work best for you and include their practice into your daily life
- Use the techniques in interactive exercises and discussions to see how they can benefit you most
- Develop your own personal action plan so you can keep building your confidence after the course and take more actions for your development
- Take a positive decision about how much you want to develop your confidence and how you want to do it