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Notre offre > Formations > Team Working


1 day


Suitable for managers, supervisors and team leaders who wish to manage their team's motivation to ensure high morale and high quality performance.


  • Define motivation
  • Identify common motivators and demotivators in the workplace
  • Apply motivation theories to common workplace scenarios
  • Develop motivational leadership skills
  • Identify indicators of employee motivation


Defining Motivation

  • Understanding motivators and common demotivators
  • Recognising motivators in the workplace

The Theories of Motivation

  • The common theories of motivation
  • Applying the theories to workplace scenarios
  • Understanding the theories and how they can help you every day

Personal and Employee Motivation

  • Managing staff’s expectations
  • Building motivation through staff involvement
  • Developing motivational staff surveys
  • Maintaining personal motivation to lead a team

Motivational Leadership

  • Motivational techniques for the leader
  • It’s not just about the ‘carrot’ or the ‘stick’
  • Motivating the individuals in your team

Méthodes pédagogiques

You will learn compelling communication techniques to boost your team’s eagerness to work and successfully achieve objectives.

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1 day


Suitable for managers, supervisors and team leaders who wish to manage their team's motivation to ensure high morale and high quality performance.


  • Define motivation
  • Identify common motivators and demotivators in the workplace
  • Apply motivation theories to common workplace scenarios
  • Develop motivational leadership skills
  • Identify indicators of employee motivation

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