Notre offre > Formations > Skills assessment
2 days
Any person (employee or job seeker) who wishes to establish a professional project and identify his/her potential and identify transferable skills.
Three stages
- A preliminary phase: To clarify the beneficiary’s expectations and confirm their commitment to the process, as well as define your needs and objectives.
An investigation phase
- It highlights the beneficiary’s personal and professional background, personality profile and aspirations. It defines the skills portfolio of the beneficiary. Take stock of your professional and personal knowledge and skills and determine your career development opportunities.
- Analyze your personal and professional background
- Establish your skills portfolio.
- Take stock of your professional and extra-professional achievements.
- To deduce your existing skills (acquired knowledge, business know-how, transversal skills).
- Passing of validated psychometric tests :
Competency Profile II : Establish an assessment of professional qualities.
- This test screens 14 behavioural dimensions and highlights the personality profile at work.
Inventory of professional interests R : The career management tool.
- This test analyzes 12 areas of interest according to the RIASEC model and positions the profile in relation to a repository of 80 trade groups.
Prism Motivation Test :
- This test assesses the fundamental dimensions of motivation at work and establishes a hierarchy of sources of motivation for an individual.
- Other tests are available according to your objectives (management style, sales, reasoning test, emotional intelligence, etc.)
Draw your professional project :
Identify opportunities in your environment.
- Identify the jobs that appeal to you.
- Doing business intelligence and activating your network
- Writing your professional project.
- Define the skills required to carry out your project.
- Identify the factors that may or may not be conducive to the achievement of your professional project.
- Use other investigative tools, identification of constraints, choice of the main project, assistance in carrying out the project,…
- Anticipate the main stages in the implementation of this project.
A concluding phase :
- It consists in the definition of a realistic professional project (objectives, steps, action plan) and the submission of a summary document. which tells you how to implement your professional project (training…).
- Advice on how to prepare for future interviews (mobility, internal professional interviews, recruitment, etc.).
Méthodes pédagogiques
Audit exercises and tests to detect areas of progress.
Performance measurement exercise, mapping of communication and thinking styles.
Beyond the coaching, this assessment leads you to project yourself and helps you to define an action plan and/or a training project.
It gives your career a new lease of life, improves employability and can help you reorient yourself.
Ces formations pourraient vous intéresser
2 days
Any person (employee or job seeker) who wishes to establish a professional project and identify his/her potential and identify transferable skills.