Notre offre > Formations > Essential dimensions of management
2 days
Director, Managers and Supervisors
- The three major schools of management thought
- Understand the evolution of the organisation (the Morgan model)
- Introduction to: Taylorism, Fordism, Toyotism
- Understanding the concept of organisational culture
- Power mechanisms in companies
- Introduction to the Mintzberg Model
- Structure of the company
- Impact of the organisation on the company
- Structural processes
- Management, as a vector of the organisation
Defining Leadership
- The different types of management (Blake and Mouton)
- Situational management (Hersey and Blanchard)
- The different tools of the manager
- The delegation
- Target-setting (SMART)
- Monitoring and control
- The feedback
- The cropping maintenance
- Annual evaluation interview
- People at the heart of the organisation
- The search for synergy for a better working environment
- Winning/winning situations, winner/loser, lose/loser,…
- Know how to evaluate your employees
- Assess the degree of autonomy
- Assess the level of competence
- Motivate your employees
- Human relations in the organisation
- Meeting the needs of your employees
- Know your employees better in order to motivate them better
- Understanding the levers of satisfaction
- Organisational change
- The 8 steps of Kotter
- Manage planned changes
- Anticipating resistance to change
Méthodes pédagogiques
Organisations are a privileged mode of functioning of the social body.
Managing these organisations by understanding the vectors that compose them is what we offer you.
Our benefit: A tool sheet with practical advice for each participant.
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2 days
Director, Managers and Supervisors